Periodic Table

  1. 6. for your bones
  2. 11. Found in bananas
  3. 14. 4th element
  4. 15. Helps you breathe
  5. 16. To light up the sign
  6. 19. Can be highly polished without tarnishing
  7. 20. Confused with Tin
  8. 21. Once isolated artificially, stabilises against further oxidisation
  9. 22. Used in batteries
  10. 24. Found in coal, etc.
  1. 1. Found in salt
  2. 2. Bad smell
  3. 3. Found in nuts
  4. 4. Usually found as byproduct when refining Uranium refinement
  5. 5. On the edge of matches
  6. 7. When on Fire, blinding light
  7. 8. Found in the Air
  8. 9. Used in prosthetic legs
  9. 10. Most abundant in the universe
  10. 12. “Too big for its britches”- Sheldon Cooper
  11. 13. In toothpaste
  12. 17. Used to clean pools
  13. 18. Most abundant in Earth’s surface
  14. 23. First noble has
  15. 25. First non-metal