Periodic Table

  1. 1. This element is non-metal ; This element is found in coal and is used as a fuel.
  2. 4. the atomic number is 5 ; The element is found in food and the environment
  3. 7. The element has 2,1 electron shell ; This element is used to treat manic
  4. 11. This element is in the third period table ; This element is used to make gas
  5. 12. The atomic mass is 32.066 ; This element is used in the vulcanization of natural rubber
  6. 13. The atomic mass is 14.007 ; This element is used to make fertilisers, nitric acid, nylon and dyes.
  7. 16. The elements symbol is Be ; The element is used in alloys with cooper to make gyroscope
  8. 17. It has an atomic number of 2 ; This element can change humans voice.
  9. 18. The electron shell is 2,8,8,1 ; This element is used in soaps
  10. 20. The electron shell is 2,8 ; This element is used in vacuum tubes
  1. 2. The symbol for this is Ar ; This element is used to fill incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs to present oxygen
  2. 3. The atomic mass is 22.990 ; This element is used in food
  3. 5. This is in the non-metal group ; This element is used to make drinking water safer and to treat the swimming pool
  4. 6. The oxidation state is +3 ; The element is in foil
  5. 8. The atomic number is 15 ; This element is used for to make bones healthy
  6. 9. The atomic number is 12 ; This element is commonly used for constipation
  7. 10. The symbol is f ; The element is used in toothpaste
  8. 14. The atomic mass is 40.078 ; This element is used as an alloying agent for aluminium
  9. 15. It has a mass of 1.008; This element is available as natural gas in nature.
  10. 19. The oxidation state is -2 ; This element is very important for breathing