Periodic Table of Elements

  1. 2. Number 7 which can also be a liquid.
  2. 4. Part of Actinides group number 98.
  3. 6. Used to make batteries.
  4. 8. Number 64. Part of Lanthanides group.
  5. 10. Nonmetallic element represented by C
  6. 12. The most common and abundant element on the periodic table.
  7. 13. The rarest element on the table. It is very unstable.
  8. 15. One of the creators.
  9. 18. Metal represented by the symbol Mg.
  10. 19. Largest group of elements on the periodic table
  11. 20. Number 11. White metal in the alkai group.
  1. 1. Atomic number 115 part of unknown properties.
  2. 3. Number 4 part of alkine earth materials.
  3. 5. Creator of the Periodic Table
  4. 7. The first group of elements on the periodic metals
  5. 9. Atomic number 33 which occurs in minerals.
  6. 11. Very important element which humans breathe
  7. 14. Highly radioactive transition metal
  8. 16. Element with highest atomic number on the table.
  9. 17. Another important creator of the table.