Periodic Table

  1. 3. what color are the solids written in
  2. 5. alkaline metal in period 2
  3. 9. periods go ____
  4. 11. is the first noble gas
  5. 12. rows go ______
  6. 13. what color are liquid written in
  7. 14. is a gas alkaline metal
  8. 15. Found in column 4A,period 2
  9. 17. alkaline metal in period 4
  10. 19. developed the periodic table of elements
  11. 21. are groups or families with similar properties
  12. 22. has a valence electron of 6 and is a gas
  13. 25. has a valence electron of 5 and in a metal (not a metalloid)
  14. 26. noble gas in period 4
  15. 27. alkaline metal in period 6
  1. 1. alkaline earth in period 7
  2. 2. electrons that are reactive, on outer shell
  3. 4. what color are the gases written in
  4. 6. Liquid found with the transition metals
  5. 7. has a valence electron of 4, is not a metal or and not C
  6. 8. noble gas in period 3
  7. 10. alkaline earth in period 3
  8. 13. Found in column 2A, Period 6
  9. 16. is a gas halogen, not Cl
  10. 17. has a valence electron of 6, is not a metalloid
  11. 18. alkaline earth in period 5
  12. 20. is a liquid halogen
  13. 23. transition metal in period 5
  14. 24. noble gas in period 2
  15. 27. electrons that are unreactive