Periodic Table

  1. 1. noble gas which is used to create "neon signs"
  2. 3. the ____ family contains oxygen and sulfur, which are essential for life.
  3. 5. tin and ____ are metals used in many products.
  4. 7. periodic _____ are the tendencies of certain elemental characteristics to increase or decrease as one progresses along a row or column of the periodic table
  5. 10. elements in the same groups have similar _______
  6. 11. electrons electrons located on the outermost energy level of an atom
  7. 12. _____ metals- metals occupying center block (groups 4-12) show variable valence and strong tendency to form coordination compounds
  8. 13. an element whose properties are intermediate between those metals and solid nonmetals
  9. 14. solid material, hard, shiny, and has good electrical and thermal conductivity
  10. 16. the state or power of being reactive or degree to which a thing is reactive
  11. 18. is a column of elements in the periodic table
  12. 19. another name for a group is a ______
  13. 21. ____ table- table consisting of groups and periods of elements
  1. 2. gasses any gas in group 18, long believed to be nonreactive
  2. 4. element or substance that is not a metal
  3. 6. the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom which determines the chemical properties of an element
  4. 8. a series of rows on the periodic table
  5. 9. radioactive period of elements; several are synthetic and don't occur naturally
  6. 15. element with one valence electron and one proton
  7. 17. ____ metals- elements occupying group 1A, very reactive, form strong alkaline metals
  8. 20. element with an atomic mass of 65.38