Periodic Table

  1. 2. a negative ion
  2. 4. very reactive metals, they form strong alkaline hydroxides
  3. 9. an element that is conductive, lustrous, and malleable
  4. 10. gasses with a full outer shell of electrons and won't react with other elements
  5. 12. how much an atom will share an electron
  6. 13. in the middle of the periodic table and form coordination compounds
  7. 17. the set of chemical properties that metals have
  1. 1. the energy required to make an ion
  2. 3. reactive non-metals and form acidic compounds
  3. 5. the distance from the middle of the atom to the outer electrons
  4. 6. a positive ion
  5. 7. reactive metals that form basic oxides that react with water
  6. 8. elements that aren't conductive, lustrous, or very malleable
  7. 11. the properties of an element recur periodically as their atomic number goes up
  8. 14. an atom with a different number of electrons
  9. 15. elements that have some metallic characteristics and some non-metal
  10. 16. the amount of energy given off when an ion is made
  11. 18. how reactive a atom is