Periodic Table

  1. 2. can be shiny or dull and good or bad conductors
  2. 6. most common element in this group was once considered a precious metal
  3. 8. most react to form salts
  4. 9. occurs or repeats at regular intervals
  5. 10. states that chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the atomic number
  6. 11. solids at room temperature except for element this group is named after
  7. 12. unreactive nonmetals and gases at room temperature
  8. 15. most reactive metals and can be cut with a knife
  9. 16. first name of the Russian chemist discovered a pattern to the elements
  10. 17. largest family of elements
  11. 19. shiny and good conductors of heat and electricity
  1. 1. forms a wide variety of compounds
  2. 3. shiny, reactive metals and some are used to make steel
  3. 4. the element this group is named after is necessary for things to burn
  4. 5. unstable, radioactive and most are made in laboratories
  5. 7. metals with two outer-level electrons
  6. 10. a horizontal row of elements
  7. 13. only family with only one element and and it is also found in stars
  8. 14. a vertical column of elements
  9. 18. dull and poor conductors of heat and electricity