Periodic Table

  1. 2. the first noble gas
  2. 5. electron configuration ends in 3p5
  3. 6. the forth element in the halogen column
  4. 8. electron configuration is 1s2 2s2
  5. 10. the transition metal before mercury
  6. 11. an alkaline earth metal that starts with r
  7. 13. the first element in the fourth period
  8. 14. has 40 electrons
  9. 16. what element has 38 protons
  10. 19. electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1
  11. 21. the only element that starts with an x
  12. 22. what elements electron configuration ends in 3d7
  13. 23. the first element on the periodic table
  14. 25. the third element in BrINClHOF
  15. 27. a transition metal that starts with y
  16. 30. a noble gas that starts with a
  17. 31. a liquid element that isn't mercury
  18. 32. has 26 protons
  1. 1. the only metal that's not a solid
  2. 3. a metaloid that starts with a g
  3. 4. the fifth element in the fifth period
  4. 7. has 52 protons
  5. 9. the second element in the first column
  6. 12. element whose atomic number is 12
  7. 15. the fourth element in the nitrogen group
  8. 17. whats a noble gas that starts with a k
  9. 18. a diatomic element that starts with f
  10. 20. electron configuration ends in 4s2
  11. 24. the third element in the boron family
  12. 26. what elements electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p4
  13. 28. a gas that starts with r
  14. 29. what elements electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1