Periodic Table

  1. 2. Noble gases have this chemical property
  2. 4. Elements on the modern periodic table are arranged according to this.
  3. 7. The only family of elements that contains metals, metalloids, and nonmetals
  4. 8. The element with the fewest protons in this family is a metalloid.
  5. 9. Horizontal rows of elements
  6. 10. Very active group of nonmetals whose family name means "salt-producer".
  7. 12. This family was named because its elements form metal oxides that make alkaline (basic) solutions in water
  8. 15. This family is named for the element responsible for organic chemistry
  9. 16. Groups(columns)of elements with similar properties
  10. 17. Element that makes up 78% of our atmosphere
  11. 18. Classification to which a majority of the elements belong
  1. 1. This series of elements contains the trans-uranium elements
  2. 3. Elements in this family are often used to color paints
  3. 5. Elements in the same family tend to have the same number of these
  4. 6. This series of elements contains half of the thirty rare-earth elements
  5. 11. This element is the name of a family and is the most abundant element in the earth's crust.
  6. 12. Elements in this family are the most reactive metals and are always bonded with other elements
  7. 13. The most abundant metal in the earth's crust
  8. 14. The only family with one element