Periodic Table

  1. 2. Element six
  2. 3. Element nineteen
  3. 5. Has the symbol F
  4. 6. First element
  5. 7. Element five
  6. 9. Has the symbol Si
  7. 13. We have it in pipe water
  8. 14. Element sixteen
  9. 15. Second element
  10. 16. Has the symbol Mg
  1. 1. Element seven
  2. 2. For strong bones and teeth
  3. 3. Element fifteen
  4. 4. Element four
  5. 8. Element ten
  6. 9. Element eleven
  7. 10. We inhale this gas
  8. 11. Used to make foil
  9. 12. Has the symbol Li
  10. 17. Element eighteen