periodic table

  1. 1. mas: number of protons + number of neutrons= number of electrons
  2. 4. dug into an aquifer to retrieve water
  3. 7. has a negative charge
  4. 9. the basic of all things on earth
  5. 12. is able to move through it
  6. 13. an organisms role in its environment
  7. 14. the ability of a substance to be pulled into a wire
  8. 16. has a positive charge
  9. 17. rock layer that holds water
  10. 18. measure of how clear water is
  11. 20. pure substance that can not be broken down
  1. 2. is the proper it of some materials that attract iron
  2. 3. how much space something takes up
  3. 5. all the water on earth
  4. 6. is the mass per unit volume of a substance
  5. 8. in a rock
  6. 10. is the ability or a substance to be rolled or pounded into sheets
  7. 11. measure of gravity
  8. 15. has no charge (neutral)
  9. 19. a result of element losing or gaining elements