Periodic table

  1. 4. A scientific representation that helps us understand what is happening or how something works.
  2. 6. A vertical column of elements on the periodic table.
  3. 8. Usually electrical insulators poor conductors.
  4. 9. Regular arrangement of molecules. Diamonds emeralds etc.
  5. 10. The starting chemicals in a reaction.
  6. 13. The chemicals that we end up in a reaction.
  7. 14. The smallest whole part of matter.
  8. 16. An element or a compound
  9. 18. A group of atoms chemcically joiined together
  10. 19. A sign or abbreviation to represent an element
  11. 20. Another word for what everything is made of.
  1. 1. shiny materials which are good conductors of heat and electricity
  2. 2. Contains only one type of atom and is listed on the periodic table.
  3. 3. What distinguishes one substance from another
  4. 5. A horizontal row of the periodic table.
  5. 7. A chmical something combines substances together
  6. 11. This means joined together.
  7. 12. Form of matter-solid,liquid,gas.
  8. 15. Table where we find all the lements listed.
  9. 17. A recipe for a particular chemical compound