Periodic Table

  1. 3. seventeen a group that is called halogens
  2. 4. a group that has ion charge +2
  3. 5. has symbol V
  4. 6. has sumbol Mg
  5. 7. A group that has Hydrogen in it
  6. 8. groups that ends with 'ide' groups thirteen to eighteen
  7. 11. has vanadium Na
  8. 12. group that is called pnictogens
  9. 13. number of groups in the periodic table
  10. 17. the symbol of this group is Sg
  11. 19. brittle and fragile
  12. 22. symbol for this element is Ga
  13. 23. have to be colored in yellow
  14. 24. shiny and electric conductors
  15. 25. It comes under the atomic number
  1. 1. has symbol C
  2. 2. has symbol T
  3. 3. a group that do not occur elemntary in nature and low density
  4. 4. a group that is called noble gases
  5. 9. group that is called pnictogens
  6. 10. has symbol B
  7. 14. the dymbol is Fe
  8. 15. the only gas in group 1
  9. 16. has symbol Ba
  10. 18. the symbol of this element is Ag
  11. 20. semi-conductor
  12. 21. the atomic number is 87.62 and it's in group two