Periodic Trends
- 3. A positively or negatively charged atom.
- 4. Ions that become smaller as each addional electron is removed
- 5. Ioniztion energy ___ across a period.
- 6. Group number that has an effective nuclear charge of +7.
- 8. Size of an atom
- 10. Inner layers of electrons help reduce the nucleus's pull on valence electrons.
- 13. Out of Ga, Br, and K, the element with the largest atomic radius.
- 15. Ability to attract electrons while bonding
- 16. Name of the group that forms 1- ions.
- 17. Out of Si, P, and O, the element that is most nonmetallic.
- 18. Energy lost when an atom gains an electron.
- 19. The element with the largest atomic radius.
- 23. Name of the group that forms 2+ ions.
- 25. Element in the fourth period that has the lowest first ionization energy.
- 1. Ions that become larger as each additional electron is added.
- 2. Electron affinity ___ down a group.
- 5. Energy required to remove an electron.
- 7. Out of Sr, Ba, and Mg, the element with the least elecronegativity.
- 9. Element in period three that has the highest "jump" in ionization energy between the 3rd and 4th ioniztion energies.
- 11. Out of I, P, and As, it has the most shielding electrons.
- 12. the most electronegative element.
- 14. Element in period two that tends to make an ion with a charge of 3-.
- 15. The force felt by the valence electrons from the nucleus.
- 20. Elements tend to form compounds so that their electron configurations look like those of this group.
- 21. Out of F, At, and Br, the element with the least affinity fo electrons.
- 22. Name of the group that forms 1+ ions.
- 24. Size of an ion