Permit to Work

  1. 3. A Working at Heights Permit is required when working at heights 1.8m (6ft) or higher and not working on a ________ work platform
  2. 6. To be able to receive other permits you will need to be ________ to put in place the safety controls
  3. 8. If the Uncontrolled Risk ________ is 3 or more you must identify the appropriate controls
  4. 9. Before any task is started a Hazard Identification MUST be conducted to identify the ________ Hazards
  5. 10. Often there are many points of isolation and for these an Isolation ________ is produced
  6. 11. Approved Code of ________ for Managing Hazards to Prevent Major Industrial Accidents provides us guidance as to what to about managing permit to Work.
  7. 12. The Area Authority assess the potential impact of the work on ________
  8. 15. When people need to interact directly with a machine and it could start or move they will need an ________
  9. 17. A Hot Work Permit is required when ________, gas cutting, disc grinding/cutting, etc.
  10. 18. A Plant Excavation & Penetration Permit is required when ________ the earth more than 230mm / 9” deep
  11. 21. If we then put in controls including a guarded drop saw, hearing protection and gloves the Likelihood will now be Extremely Unlikely. The Controlled Risk Score will now be 2. ________.
  12. 22. If no JSA, WI, SOP exists you MUST undertake a Task Based ________ Assessment
  1. 1. The Area Authority ensure the area / equipment is placed in a ________ operational state
  2. 2. The working party are responsible for ensuring they ________ the tasks, hazards and controls
  3. 3. If the Controlled Risk Score is less than 3 you do not require a ________ to Work
  4. 4. The Permit Issuer is accountable for ensuring the work ________ be carried out safely
  5. 5. The working party are responsible for ensuring they ________ the Hazard Control Plan
  6. 7. The Area Authority is the person normally ________ for the work area
  7. 8. A Natural Gas Permit is required when working on any natural gas ________
  8. 13. A 33kV Switchgear Compound Entry permit is required when ever ________ the Compound
  9. 14. The Permit Holder is accountable for ensuring the work ________ carried out safely
  10. 16. If cutting wood with a saw we consider the potential consequences, cutting off a finger as Major and it’s likelihood Unlikely the Uncontrolled Risk Score will equal 3. ________
  11. 19. A completed Permit to Work is only ________ for the period between 6am & 6am the next day
  12. 20. Confined spaces may include Storage ________, fuel tanks, process vessels