Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian War

  1. 1. ruler of Athens during the Peloponnesian War
  2. 2. head of the Peloponnesian League
  3. 4. standard warship of the Greek world
  4. 6. first stage in the Persian Wars (Asia Minor)
  5. 9. only battle of the First Persian War
  6. 11. organization to guard against the Persians
  7. 14. naval battle of the 2nd Persian War
  8. 15. city who aided the Ionian Greeks against Persia
  9. 16. king of Persia during the Second Persian War
  1. 1. temple of the goddess Athena in Athens
  2. 3. historian of the Peloponnesian War
  3. 5. war between Sparta and Athens (30 years)
  4. 7. shouted by the famous runner after Marathon
  5. 8. last major battle of the 2nd Persian War
  6. 9. this kingdom will conquer Greece in 338 BC
  7. 10. famous battle involving 300 Spartans
  8. 12. built by Pericles to protect Athens
  9. 13. King of Persia,First Persian War