Personal and Consumer Health Week 1 Review

  1. 2. sensitive membrane in the ear that can be damaged by loud noises
  2. 4. openings through which most people breathe
  3. 6. difficulty finishing a sentence, severe coughing/wheezing, and flared nostrils are signs of a _____________ asthma attack
  4. 7. prevalence of disease within a population
  5. 8. a whistling or musical sound heard when exhaling
  6. 9. the principal organ for breathing
  7. 10. ______________ diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States
  8. 11. the dome-shaped muscle that causes the chest cavity to expand and contract
  9. 13. oral cavity (through which some people breathe)
  10. 14. ______________ respiration is the exchange of gases between blood and body cells
  11. 15. the windpipe
  12. 17. the number of deaths within a population
  13. 18. the voice box and contains the vocal cords
  1. 1. respiratory infections, pollen, dust, etc. are _______ that can bring on an asthma attack
  2. 2. ______________ respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that takes place between air and blood in the lungs
  3. 3. __________________ diseases are infectious diseases caused by various types of microscopic organisms, including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi
  4. 5. system that provides oxygen to be carried by the circulatory system to all cells of the body
  5. 11. unit used to measure sound
  6. 12. tiny air sacs through which the gas exchange of external respiration takes place
  7. 16. a chronic disease that affects the airways within the lungs