Personal Health & Hygiene

  1. 7. a state of deep relaxation
  2. 8. a record of one's personal health
  3. 10. an infectious & contagious disease
  4. 11. how many seconds you should wash your hands for
  5. 13. maintaining the body's cleanliness
  6. 14. this age group should get 8-10 hours of sleep
  1. 1. evaluation of the body's functions
  2. 2. promoting healthy behaviors
  3. 3. a disease such as cancer or diabetes
  4. 4. abnormal condition that has negative effects
  5. 5. practices such as washing our hands
  6. 6. every six months you should visit one
  7. 9. a change in a body's function
  8. 12. the determination of a health problem