Personal Hygiene
- 2. skin condition in which inflamed and clogged hair follicles cause pimples
- 6. inflammation of the gums
- 8. product to stop or dry up sweat
- 10. skin specialist who treats skin conditions
- 11. holes in teeth that happens when plaque eats into a tooth's enamel
- 12. condition that causes swollen, red, dry and itchy patches of skin on one or more parts of the body
- 13. infection caused by bacteria getting under the gums and destroying gums and bone
- 16. eye doctor
- 1. product to cover body odor
- 3. tiny insects that attach to hair
- 4. pain or ringing in ears after exposure to loud sounds
- 5. objects far away are blurry
- 7. objects that are close are blurry
- 9. condition in which the eye does not focus light evenly onto the retina, objects are blurry and stretched out
- 14. dead skin from the scalp
- 15. dental specialist that corrects teeth misalignments
- 17. sticky and colorless film that coats teeth and dissolves the protective enamel