Personal Hygiene
- 2. when pores in the skin get clogged, bacteria causes inflammation and pus forms.
- 4. sacs or cavities that surround the roots of hairs
- 6. thicker layer of the skin beneath the epidermis that is made up of connective tissue and contains blood vessels and nerves
- 11. Daily washing, bathing or showering helps ________________ and slow the growth of bacteria that causes body odor
- 14. the tissue that contains the blood vessels and nerves of a tooth
- 15. inner layer of the eye wall
- 17. transparent and helps refine the focus of images on the retina
- 19. a condition in which patches of skin lose melanin and have no pigment
- 22. visible portion of the tooth
- 24. ring worm and athlete's foot are infections that can be spread by contact with skin or infected clothing
- 25. an inflammation of the periodontal structures cause by bacterial infection
- 26. the colored portion of the eye that contains the pupil
- 28. You have more than__________________ hairs on your head alone
- 31. the inability to see close objects clearly
- 33. caused by a virus and are most commonly found on the hands, feet, and face
- 34. a combination of bacteria and other particles, such as small bits of food, which adheres to the outside of a tooth
- 36. when vision or bright flashes of light cause blurred vision, the treatment is laser surgery to reattach retina
- 37. having clear or ______/_____ vision means that images are produced clearly and sharply on your retina
- 39. the most serious form of skin cancer that can be deadly
- 40. always wear _________ on exposed areas of skin and apply 15-30 minutes before going outside
- 41. this is caused when lens or cornea is misshaped
- 42. when plaque hardens this forms and is a hard crust like substance
- 1. wear ______ when participating in activities in which your eyes could be injured
- 3. a hard substance made of calcium on the tooth
- 5. outer, thinner layer of the skin that is composed of living and dead cells
- 7. vision loss from age with no cure
- 8. the inability to see distant object clearly
- 9. foggy vision from the lens becoming cloudy and cannot focus light
- 10. tiny parasitic insects that live in the scalp hair of humans
- 12. a misalignment of the upper and lower teeth
- 13. the dead skin cells that are shed as sticky white flakes when the scalp becomes too dry
- 16. a transparent tissue that bends and focuses light before it enters the lens
- 18. three small bones linked together that connect the eardrum to the inner ear
- 20. a condition in which a ringing, buzzing, whistling, roaring, hissing, or other sound is heard in the ear in the absence of external sound
- 21. a pigment that gives the skin, hair, and iris of the eyes their color
- 23. bad breath
- 27. area immediately around the tooth
- 29. the skin performs three main functions to keep you healthy temperature control, sensation, and ________________
- 30. inflamed or scaly patch of skin, usually from an allergic reaction
- 32. cloudy or impaired vision, sometimes permanent eye damage
- 35. inner ear that consists of a network of curved and spiral passages that can be divided into three main parts
- 38. the white part of the eye