Personal Hygiene

  1. 3. should be changed every day and washed after every wear
  2. 5. robot's name
  3. 7. bacteria thrive underneath _____
  4. 8. bacteria that collects on teeth in a film called ____
  5. 10. bacteria love hot and sticky places like...
  6. 11. apply this on armpits to help with smells
  7. 13. wash hands regularly to prevent the spread of ____
  8. 14. drink at least ____ glasses of water a day
  9. 15. should be changed every day and washed after every wear
  10. 17. good bacteria live in your _____ and help digest food
  1. 1. how much is a chicken worth?
  2. 2. when germs overcome your body's natural defenses
  3. 4. another word for "taking care of your body"
  4. 6. brush your teeth at least ______
  5. 9. body is caused by ______
  6. 12. this can live on surfaces for a long time and make you sick
  7. 16. hormones can cause extra _____ to be produced on skin