Personal Track Safety

  1. 1. acknowledge and move to a position of safety
  2. 3. initial warning from a lookout
  3. 4. keeps you in a safe area
  4. 5. warning if it noisy
  5. 8. if you work within 3m or 1.25m of the line
  6. 10. conrols safety
  7. 12. distance to keep from an axle counter
  8. 14. how do you call in an emaergency
  1. 2. live at all times
  2. 4. initial warning from a site warden
  3. 6. when are the overheads live and dangerous
  4. 7. safest place to walk
  5. 9. who do you call to turn the electricity off
  6. 11. voltage of overhead line
  7. 13. only thing you can do on your own as a PTS holder