Petras countries

  1. 3. it´s famous for paella, football, flamenco ,tapas and beaches
  2. 4. has the highest mountain in Europe and longest bread
  3. 7. the country with the largest wall,which can be seen from space
  4. 9. its full of antique ruins, beaches and sun
  5. 11. the country where marsupials live
  6. 13. the country with lots or leprechauns, pubs, rainbows
  7. 14. the land of beer, bread, cakes and no speed limit
  8. 15. pizza and pasta lovers live or visit here
  1. 1. the land of the rising sun
  2. 2. famous for van gogh, cheese, tulips
  3. 3. its inhabited by a lot of mooses
  4. 5. full of cattle, barbecues and national parks
  5. 6. the land of viking,hotdogs,lego and beaches
  6. 8. this is and island with lots of volcanoes and ponies.
  7. 10. the land with unlimited opportunities
  8. 12. a country with high mountains, alphorns ,chocolate and cheese