Pharaoh's Dream

  1. 3. Who had the dream in today's sermon?
  2. 5. How old was Joseph when he became the Prime Minister of Egypt?
  3. 6. What did the thin and ugly cows represent?
  4. 8. Who suffered like Joseph in order to save God's people?
  5. 9. How many fat cows came up out from the river?
  1. 1. After interpreting Pharaoh's dream, Joseph became the _______________ of Egypt.
  2. 2. Who gave Joseph the wisdom to understand Pharaoh's dream?
  3. 3. What did the fat cows and healthy grain represent?
  4. 4. Joseph told Pharaoh to select a discerning and ______ man.
  5. 7. Which river was the Pharaoh standing next to in his dream?