Pharmacy Crossword

  1. 4. PO medication monitored with INR
  2. 5. Generic name of Avelox
  3. 8. Medication storage and dispensing unit
  4. 9. Robot Manufacturer
  5. 11. New diabetes drug in 2013 (Brand)
  6. 13. Delivery Robots
  1. 1. Nutrition given through an IV
  2. 2. medication monitored with trough levels
  3. 3. IV room: shoe covers, gown, hair cover, mask, _____
  4. 6. Place where IV medications are mixed
  5. 7. Stat label color
  6. 10. Best pharmacy employee
  7. 12. Improves communication (acronym)
  8. 14. ___ 797 Standards
  9. 15. Single use medications under the hood expire after ___ hours