Philips cross word puzzle

  1. 3. Beef processing plants are blank with animal calmness and safety in mind.
  2. 6. Cattle are natures own blank machines.
  3. 8. In blank, cattle leave manure just like the wild animals that ream the land.
  4. 10. Beef is known for blank protein.
  5. 13. More then 1 million farmers and blank raise cattle.
  6. 14. Animals in blank also are treated properly.
  7. 16. Today there are almost 100 blank beef animals.
  8. 18. fed Blank cattle spend the majority of there lives in the pasture.
  1. 1. Protein is only one piece of beef nutrition blank.
  2. 2. Each year americans eat 65 pounds of beef.
  3. 4. The beef industry has make beef blank than ever.
  4. 5. Cattles liquid waste is kept in large blank.
  5. 7. Beef contains all none blank amino acids.
  6. 9. raised Blank cattle never received antibiotics.
  7. 11. Rules about what cattle can be fed prevent occurrences of blank.
  8. 12. Beef is a powerful blank.
  9. 14. Blank is an important nutrient that keeps your body working properly.
  10. 15. Fresh items must be sold promptly with blank marked on the package.
  11. 17. Only about blank of the animal becomes beef.
  12. 18. Cattle produce small amount of blank.