Philosphy review
- 2. method The purpose is to answer what we can know and results in true beliefs and reason/He conducted dialogues on the streets with young Athenian men asking the question
- 6. when looking at arguments, this finds the argument to be valid and the premises are true
- 8. This type of argument is where the premises try to be true and prove the conclusion right with valid support
- 11. study of value/aesthetic moral
- 13. the argument that since the universe shows purpose of design, God exists
- 14. knowledge gained prior to sense experience
- 15. the study of knowledge
- 16. knowledge that depends on a sense experience
- 19. The view that we lack knowledge in some fundamental way
- 20. presumption that the future will be like the past and will follow the events in the same order
- 22. the study of general and fundamental problems in the form of questions
- 1. The argument that since there is evil, God must not exist
- 3. the argument that since the universe exists, God exists
- 4. An argument is this when the argument is inductively strong and has true premises
- 5. The study of reality/fundamental nature
- 7. Theory of different culture groups having distinct knowledge created by the unique experiences
- 9. The view that knowledge comes only from sense experiences
- 10. the argument that through logical reasoning and analysis, God exists
- 12. The beilief that only the mind and their ideas exist
- 17. the belief that through unaided reasons we know what the world is like/ doesn't/ Plato's take is through the physical world and nonphysical world
- 18. This type of argument gives probable support to conclusions
- 21. the study of correct reasoning