Phrasal verbs:away,back,down

  1. 3. Eventually he had to _____ down and agree to move his car.
  2. 5. If someone has a contagious disease it is best to _______ away.
  3. 7. If economic growth ____ down, unemployment will increase.
  4. 9. None of my clothes fit, I should ______ them away to a charity.
  5. 10. The doctor told her to ___ down on sweets in order to lose weight.
  6. 11. The government is _____ back on its defense budget.
  7. 12. The heavy rain _______ back the schedule for days.
  8. 13. Not wanting to alarm her,he ____ down the extent of the injury.
  9. 14. The union isn't going to accept the decision they will ___ back.
  10. 16. At the end of a hard week it is nice to _____ away and relax.
  11. 17. I did my best because I didn't want to ___ my parents down.
  1. 1. The school ______ down all its rules before accepting students.
  2. 2. If you _____ five away from ten you have five.
  3. 4. It is too expensive I hope the seller can _____ down the price.
  4. 6. He is so untidy, he never ______ anything away.
  5. 8. I always have a cup of tea before ______ down to my homework.
  6. 14. The doctor said that the scar would _____ away eventually.
  7. 15. She was hysterical so I asked her to ______ down.
  8. 16. Do you think that it is possible to ______ away with murder?