Phylum Arthropoda Test

  1. 5. This type of crab is vital to the development of human vaccines and is vulnerable to extinction.
  2. 6. The middle segment of an insect's body where the wings and legs attach is called this.
  3. 7. This order means "two wing" in Latin. These animals are advanced fliers and have specialized mouthparts for piercing and/or sucking.
  4. 9. Arthropods have this type of circulatory system.
  5. 11. These tubules extract waste from the blood and add it to the feces for excretion.
  6. 13. The largest order of arthropods, it means "sheath wing" in ancient Greek.
  7. 17. Arthropods have these types of appendages.
  8. 19. Arthropods have a tough exoskeleton made of protein and this molecule.
  9. 20. This group of arthropods have 2 legs (1 pair) per body segment and have flattened bodies.
  10. 23. This order means "scale wing" in Latin because its animals have scales of many different colors covering their wings.
  11. 24. Most Arthropods have this type of eye, which are complex and can have more than 2000 separate lenses.
  12. 25. The study of insects is called this.
  13. 26. Horseshoe crabs are not crustaceans, but part of this class, which is closely related to Arachnida.
  14. 27. Arthropods have this type of body symmetry.
  15. 29. Some insects have this membrane on their abdomen, which receives and processes sound vibrations from the external environment, similar to our own eardrum.
  16. 30. Centipedes kill and eat prey, which makes them this type of consumer.
  17. 31. Some arthropods, such as butterflies, undergo a complete developmental change by restructuring their entire bodies during the pupal stage, which is called this.
  18. 32. This order contains insects that live in complex social hierarchies, where individuals perform various duties to sustain, grow, and protect not themselves, but the colony as a whole.
  1. 1. Some arthropods, such as grasshoppers, perform this type of development, in which the young look like a miniature version of the adult and molt their exoskeleton to grow.
  2. 2. The gastric ________ secrete digestive juices into the stomach.
  3. 3. This group of Arthropods have 10 legs and are all aquatic except for pillbugs (roly pollies).
  4. 4. Millipedes feed on decaying organic matter which is also called this.
  5. 8. This class of Arthropoda includes animals with no antenna or wings.
  6. 10. An insect's crop stores food, then this structure grinds it into smaller pieces before passing it to the stomach.
  7. 12. The blood of Arthropods is called this.
  8. 14. Female insects have this structure on their posterior abdomen that is used to dig holes and deposit eggs.
  9. 15. This group of arthropods have 4 legs (2 pairs) per body segment and have rounded bodies.
  10. 16. Lepidopteran wings are covered in these, which give them a wide variety of colors.
  11. 18. This order means "flat wing" in Latin. It includes grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets.
  12. 21. Insects use these wings for flight.
  13. 22. Pores in the abdomen and thorax that are used for breathing, are called this.
  14. 28. The forewings of beetles are hardened to form a shell, which is called this. It is used to protect the delicate hindwings, which are used for flying.