Physical Health

  1. 4. illness
  2. 7. substances found in foods necessary for proper bodily function
  3. 8. death
  4. 9. abnormally high percentage of body fat
  5. 10. removal of body fat via a suctioning device
  6. 11. the process by which the body breaks down food into nutrients
  7. 12. hunger hormone, signals need to eat
  8. 13. state in which the body is burning fat for energy
  1. 1. Carbohydrates, protein and fat supply calories for energy
  2. 2. metabolic disease exacerbated with obesity
  3. 3. range of motion (ROM) at a joint or series of joints
  4. 5. the science that investigates the relationship between food and disease
  5. 6. glucose converted to starch and stored