- 3. a tube or box fitted with a screen coated with a fluorescent substance, used for viewing objects especially deep body structures by means of x-ray or other radiation; developed in 1898 by Thomas Edison
- 4. rays a flow of electrons emanating from a cathode in a vacuum tube and focused into a narrow beam; electrons (conducted through a partially glass tube such as a Crook's tube)
- 5. anything that exists in physical form; a solid, liquid, or gas. anything that occupies space
- 6. conducted with an x-ray tube located under the examination table
- 8. inversely proportional to area and distance from the source
- 11. found that by exposing two-glass x-ray plates with the emulsion surfaces together exposure time was cut in half and the image was considerably enhanced
- 13. barriers: the radiographic or CT control console is always located behind one of these. this is often lead-lined and is equipped with a leaded-glass window. under normal circumstances, personnel remains behind this barrier during the x-ray examination.
- 14. equal to 10^-6
- 15. emitted and transferred through space
- 18. energy ability to do work by virtue of position; abbreviated PE
- 19. equal to 10^-2
- 20. the smallest unit of a substance that retains the identity of that substance
- 23. shielding the same lead-impregnated material used in aprons and gloves is used to fabricate gonadal shields. this should be used with all persons of childbearing age when the gonads are in or near the useful x-ray beam and when the use of such will not interfere with the diagnostic value of the examination
- 24. the ability to do work or make something happen
- 25. energy the energy of motion at the
- 26. pair the orbital electron and the atom that it was separated from
- 28. Radiation Absorbed Dose; the conventional radiologic unit for describing the quantity of radiation received by a patient
- 29. Radiation Equivalent Man; the conventional radiologic unit for describing the quantity of radiation received by workers and populations
- 31. uses film or a solid-state image receptor and usually an x-ray tube mounted from
- 35. abbreviation used for remembering to keep radiation As Low As Reasonably Achievable
- 36. film discovered in 1901 when Charles
- 38. radiation: any kind of radiation capable of removing an orbital electron from the atom with which it interacts
- 39. energy the energy of an object in motion; abbreviated KE
- 41. tomography uses a rotating x-ray source and detector array
- 43. apparel lead-impregnated material is used to make aprons and gloves worn by radiologists and radiologic technologists during fluoroscopy and some radiographic procedures
- 1. energy energy contained in the nucleus of an atom
- 2. the process of matter intercepting radiation and absorbing part or all of it
- 7. energy the energy released by a chemical reaction
- 9. energy the work that can be done when an electron moves through an electric potential difference
- 10. the force exerted on a body under the influence of gravity
- 12. metal filters usually aluminum or copper are inserted into the x-ray tube housing so that low-energy x-rays are absorbed before they reach the patient
- 16. basic building block of matter that is made up of smaller particles called protons,neutrons,and electrons
- 17. radiation examples of this are: visible light, ultraviolet light, gamma rays, x-rays, radio waves, tv waves, microwaves, and infrared light
- 21. platinocyanide a fluorescent material
- 22. restricts the useful x-ray beam to that part of the body to be imaged and thereby spares adjacent tissue from unnecessary radiation exposure
- 27. equal to 10^6
- 30. level. It is the kinetic energy of molecules and is closely related to temperature
- 32. abbreviated as the letter m and measured in kilograms (kg); dependent on the amount of matter in an object.
- 33. gas the naturally occurring radiation source is responsible for dosing to the lung
- 34. R; the conventional radiologic unit of radiation intensity that will create 2.08x10^8 pairs of cubic centimeters of air
- 37. equal to 10^3
- 40. ceiling on a track that allows the tube to be moved in any direction
- 42. equal to 10^-3