
  1. 2. Moving at a constant rate
  2. 7. (0,0)
  3. 9. combonation of x and y axis
  4. 11. Slowing down or speeding up
  5. 12. Use of dots and vectors to show velocity(s&d)
  6. 14. No unit
  7. 15. y/x
  8. 16. How far something travels
  9. 17. D/T with direction
  1. 1. Acceleration at any point
  2. 3. How far something moves away from a point
  3. 4. How fast something is moving
  4. 5. Average speed change
  5. 6. changing speed and a constant rate
  6. 8. Where something is located
  7. 10. Direction and Magnitude
  8. 13. Written as -9.8m/s^2