  1. 4. Action equals reaction.
  2. 6. Resistance to motion change.
  3. 8. Floating property.
  4. 10. Curved reflective surface.
  5. 14. Stored energy.
  6. 15. Heat transfer method.
  7. 16. Unit of resistance.
  8. 18. Number of cycles per second.
  9. 19. Unit of power.
  1. 1. Energy of motion.
  2. 2. Negatively charged particle.
  3. 3. Force of attraction on Earth.
  4. 5. Unit of pressure.
  5. 7. Single pathway circuit.
  6. 9. Unit of charge.
  7. 11. Unit of electric current.
  8. 12. Unit of force.
  9. 13. Temperature unit.
  10. 17. Frequency unit.