- 6. A resistor whose resistance changes a lot over a small temperature range.
- 8. Coil of wire that becomes magnetised when a current flows through
- 9. currents flowing in a circuit.
- 11. The action of one body on a second body that causes its velocity to change.
- 12. Power supply in a circuit.
- 14. The SI unit of electric charge.
- 16. The SI unit of work or energy.
- 17. Device used to prevent e it.
- 1. Substance that transmits heat very poorly or does mot conduct electricity.
- 2. Electrical component that allows electric current to flow in one direction only.
- 3. Negatively charged particle which is smaller than an atom.
- 4. The speed of an object in a stated direction.
- 5. A substance that transmits heat or allows an electric current to pass through it.
- 7. Component in an electrical circuit whose resistance reduces the current flowing.
- 10. A device that provides a voltage in a circuit by means of a chemical reaction.
- 13. A coil of wire that, when a current flows in it, becomes a magnet.
- 15. The SI unit of electrical resistance.