Physics Basics of Science Review

  1. 1. SI Unit for time
  2. 4. An exact or specific number
  3. 5. SI Unit for temperature
  4. 6. Rules used to ensure safety in a lab
  5. 7. SI Unit for length
  6. 8. Close to the real or actual value
  7. 9. SI Unit for mass
  8. 10. Based on repeated observation of behavior
  9. 12. Describes qualities and characteristics
  10. 14. SI Unit for amount of a substance
  1. 1. A method for ensuring usable results through a lab
  2. 2. Can be counted, measured, and expressed using numbers
  3. 3. SI Unit for luminous intensity
  4. 8. SI Unit for electric current
  5. 11. Repeated observation that is widely accepted as the truth
  6. 13. Provides general explanation for a set of observations