physics - Radioactivity

  1. 3. imaging that produces inside structures of the body such as bones
  2. 6. speeding up
  3. 8. can stop beta but cant stop gamma
  4. 10. particle found in nucleous of an atom
  5. 11. positively charged nucleon
  6. 17. a half life archeological use of radiation
  7. 19. proton number
  8. 21. break down
  9. 22. move from normal path
  10. 23. total number of proton and neutrons
  11. 25. negatively charged particle
  12. 26. high speed electron
  13. 27. can not predict what is going to happen next
  14. 28. happens without external influence
  1. 1. splitting up of heavy nucleus to get smaller nuclei
  2. 2. can detect all types of radiation
  3. 4. helium nucleus
  4. 5. joining of two lighter nuclei to form a one heavier nucleus
  5. 6. most ionizing type of radiation
  6. 7. causing to gain or lose charge
  7. 9. atoms of the same element with different masses
  8. 12. can stop gamma radiation
  9. 13. high frequency electromagnetic radiation
  10. 14. natural radiation in the environment
  11. 15. a medical use of gamma radiation
  12. 16. time taken for a half the mass of a radioactive sample to decay
  13. 18. does not deflect in magnetic or electric field
  14. 20. release of electrons from hot metal
  15. 24. used to count radiation