- 2. A force that acts on a body with a displacement
- 4. Principle that states energy cannot be created or destroyed only converted
- 6. A type of force that does no net work on an object on a closed path
- 8. Type of orbit above the equator
- 9. A type of curve that isn't effected by static friction
- 11. A force that points toward the center of a circle
- 15. A type of energy in motion
- 16. Apparent force that points away from the center of a circle
- 18. Sum of the potential and kinetic energies is the total _______ energy
- 20. A type of circular motion that has a constant velocity
- 1. Average _______ is work done per unit time
- 3. Friction, air resistance, propulsive forces are all examples of ___-___________ energies
- 5. SI unit for power
- 7. Type of energy that runs your fridge
- 10. Type of energy used in cooking
- 12. Half the diameter of a circle
- 13. Orbital______ is the time it takes for a satellite to make one complete revolution
- 14. The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others
- 17. The SI unit for work
- 19. The weight an object exerts on a scale it is in contact with