- 1. the faster a car goes the air resistance gets ...
- 5. an ... is the smallest piece of an element
- 6. what was the founder of gravity's name
- 9. opposite charges attract, this is a ... motion
- 10. the force that resists against any objects moving
- 11. ... equals distance divided by time
- 14. mass is weighed in ...
- 15. the overall effect of more than one force on an object
- 17. the last name of the founder of gravity
- 18. acceleration equals change in .... divided by time
- 19. 10th element in the periodic table
- 2. the speed equals the ... of a distance-time graph
- 3. something that affects an objects acceleration
- 4. the direction that thrust acts upon
- 7. what dropped from a tree to give the founder of gravity his idea
- 8. if a line is straight on a distance-time graph the object is ...
- 12. like charges repel, this is a .... motion
- 13. ... equals mass times acceleration
- 16. the direction in which weight acts upon