
  1. 3. the number of letters in the musical alphabet
  2. 4. the number of keys on a piano
  3. 6. the clef sign for the left hand (lower notes)
  4. 9. the clef sign for the right hand (higher notes)
  5. 11. the number for the thumb
  6. 12. the word used to remember the space notes in the treble clef
  7. 14. the number for the index finger
  8. 15. the letter names for the line notes in the bass clef
  9. 16. the number for the "pinkie"
  10. 17. the letter names for the line notes in the treble clef
  1. 1. a piece in TEAMS about a star
  2. 2. the number of pedals on a piano
  3. 5. a piece of music in TEAMS that consists of only 3 notes (C, D, and E)
  4. 7. a note that looks like a circle
  5. 8. the musical alphabet
  6. 10. the letter names for the space notes in the bass clef
  7. 12. the number for the ring finger
  8. 13. something that starts on friday afterschool and you are probably looking forward to it
  9. 14. the number for the middle finger