Pictures and Music Theory

  1. 3. Line on a musical staff
  2. 4. Clef for high notes
  3. 8. Nationalistic composer home
  4. 9. Artists who painted for Pictures
  5. 12. Walking song
  6. 16. Hobbit Monster
  7. 17. 1/2 count note
  8. 18. 1 count note
  9. 20. Staff both clefs together
  10. 21. The Great Gate of _____________
  11. 22. Ox Cart
  1. 1. 2 count note
  2. 2. Scored Pictures for orchestra
  3. 5. The Hut on fowls legs
  4. 6. Instrument as Ox Cart
  5. 7. Instrument for Pictures was originally composed
  6. 10. Park in Paris
  7. 11. Instrument in "The Old Castle"
  8. 13. Composer of Pictures
  9. 14. Spaces on a musical staff
  10. 15. 4 count note
  11. 19. Signature for how many beats
  12. 22. Clef for low notes