PIH Crossword
- 3. Helps bring down CNS activity in preeclamptic women and help to bring down their blood pressure.
- 4. Involuntary muscle contractions
- 7. When your blood pressure is high
- 9. Common site for this clinical manifestation in preeclamptic patients are the feet and hands
- 10. Lab test that is done to detect proteinuria
- 11. Common CNS issue in preeclampsia that can go unnoticed
- 13. Often seen in a urinalysis of a preeclamptic patient
- 14. Lab value that drops due to preeclampsia
- 15. Can occur from CNS changes from preeclampsia
- 16. First word to the medication to help with seizure activity for eclampsia
- 17. Medication to help bring down blood pressure for preeclampsia.
- 18. Monitor closely for pulmonary edema!
- 1. Will be hyperactive with preeclampsia
- 2. Disorder that causes hypertension in pregnant women with an unknown cause. Can be deadly if not treated.
- 5. What differentiates preeclampsia from eclampsia
- 6. Lab test that is done to help diagnose HELLP syndrome
- 8. Pain in the abdomen that can be mistaken for heart burn but is a common sign of preeclampsia
- 12. Cure for magnesium sulfate toxicity