
  1. 1. fast water, online theft
  2. 2. swashbuckler blade
  3. 4. competitive
  4. 6. Depp Role
  5. 10. And a bottle of rum
  6. 11. Edward Teach
  7. 13. cost of piercings?
  8. 15. NFL Marauders East
  9. 16. French Freebooter
  10. 17. small fast ship
  11. 18. foremost sail
  1. 1. ultimate prize
  2. 3. turtle town
  3. 5. NFL Marauders West
  4. 7. scurvy's foe
  5. 8. gentleman pirate
  6. 9. 17th century
  7. 12. Seattle NHL
  8. 13. Captain Morgan booze
  9. 14. Davey Jones' storage space
  10. 16. Flies on the mast