Planet Earth: Topic 4 The Moving Crust Crossword

  1. 2. Wegener was originally trained as this type of scientist.
  2. 4. Plates that are moving apart.
  3. 7. This famous Canadian scientist helped prove that continents move.
  4. 9. The upper most layer of the Earth.
  5. 11. What does the "A" stand for in SCUBA?
  6. 14. This scientist came up with the theory of continental drift.
  7. 15. An area where one plate is pushed under another plate.
  8. 16. The giant supercontinent.
  9. 17. A name for deep sea volcanic vents.
  10. 19. Plates that are moving together.
  1. 1. The inner most layer of the Earth.
  2. 3. Circular currents caused by a moving fluid.
  3. 5. This dinosaur provides biological evidence that the continents move.
  4. 6. What does the "N" stand for in SONAR?
  5. 8. The outer core is made of iron and this element.
  6. 10. The layer found directly under the crust.
  7. 12. The Theory of Plate __________.
  8. 13. The boat that Canadians use to examine the ocean floor.
  9. 18. A technology that uses sounds waves.