Planetary Puzzle
- 2. Brightest object in the sky, after the sun and moon
- 4. Propagation of a disturbance or energy
- 6. Built his own and improved the telescope
- 7. Looking at visible light only
- 10. Mons The largest volcano in our solar system
- 13. Describes the effects of turbulence of atmosphere
- 15. Earths path around the sun
- 16. The study of the universe
- 19. The little (dwarf) planet that couldn't
- 21. Distance from Earth to this celestial body is 1 AU
- 22. Has the fastest rotational rate of all the planets
- 1. Theorized the laws of motion
- 3. Is home to the biggest volcano in our solar system
- 5. This Planet has 27 moons, five of which are major
- 6. Largest moon in our solar system
- 8. The only planet that we know of that supports life
- 9. The unit of intensity in radio astronomy
- 11. Change in an object’s apparent position when viewed from two vantage points
- 12. 3:2 spin orbit ratio
- 14. The least dense planet in our solar system
- 17. The farthest planet from the sun
- 18. Called Luna by the Romans
- 20. Getting larger