
  1. 1. An "ice giant" planet that rotates on its side, with a blue-green color.
  2. 3. The largest planet in our solar system, with colorful bands and many moons.
  3. 7. The farthest known planet from the Sun, with a blue color and strong winds.
  4. 9. The closest planet to the Sun with a rocky surface and extreme temperatures.
  1. 2. A planet with a distinct ring system made of ice and dust particles.
  2. 4. A dwarf planet once considered the ninth planet, located in the Kuiper Belt.
  3. 5. The largest object in the asteroid belt, classified as a dwarf planet.
  4. 6. A bright planet with a thick, toxic atmosphere and a hot surface.
  5. 8. The third planet from the Sun, known for its abundant life and blue oceans.
  6. 9. The "Red Planet" with iron oxide giving it a reddish appearance.