
  1. 4. Known for its stunning rings that look like hula hoops.
  2. 6. The closest planet to the Sun, super hot during the day.
  3. 9. A planet that rolls on its side while orbiting the Sun.
  1. 1. The farthest planet from the Sun, covered in clouds.
  2. 2. Often called the "Evening Star," it's very hot and bright.
  3. 3. The largest planet in our solar system with big, colorful stripes.
  4. 5. A dwarf planet, once considered the ninth planet.
  5. 6. The "Red Planet" named after the Roman god of war.
  6. 7. The giant, hot ball of fire in the sky that gives us light and warmth
  7. 8. Our home planet with land, water, and air for living.