Plant Nutrition

  1. 2. a store of carbohydrate in a plant
  2. 4. The green pigment which absorbs light
  3. 8. the vessel which transports water around a plant
  4. 11. affects rate of photosynthesis (and most chemical reactions)
  5. 14. A plant organ for photosynthesis
  6. 15. catalyse reactions in organisms, including photosynthesis
  7. 16. a life process which requires glucose
  8. 18. The sugar produced during photosynthesis
  9. 20. the process by which plants convert light energy to chemical energy
  10. 23. apparatus that can be used to measure the volume of a gas produced in a reaction
  11. 24. absorbed by root hair cells
  1. 1. where photosynthesis occurs in plant cells
  2. 3. (2 words) - a reactant for photosynthesis
  3. 5. waxy _____ which prevents water loss from a leaf
  4. 6. what plant cell walls are made of
  5. 7. A limiting factor for photosynthesis which provides the energy
  6. 9. This happens to enzymes at high temperatures
  7. 10. The store of energy in glucose
  8. 12. the name of a cell adapted for photosynthesis
  9. 13. The waste product of photosynthesis
  10. 17. a vessel which transports sugar around a plant
  11. 18. ____ cells - open and close stomata
  12. 19. Holes in a leaf which allow gas exchange to occur
  13. 21. large ________ area - provided by root hair cells
  14. 22. used to test for starch