  1. 2. colorful & scent attracts pollenators
  2. 4. type of stem that runs along the ground
  3. 8. making food for plants
  4. 11. roots grow down and stems and leaves grow up
  5. 12. transports food DOWN from the leaves
  6. 13. produces pollen
  7. 16. sticky top where pollen lands
  8. 17. all male parts of a flower
  9. 18. stem green and not sturdy
  10. 21. plants have true roots, stems, and leaves
  11. 22. plants responding to stimuli
  12. 24. underground stems
  13. 25. anchor plant to ground
  14. 26. tiny holes in leaves used in transpiration
  15. 27. stem strong & sturdy made of wood
  16. 28. capture sunlight and does photosynthesis
  17. 29. one main large root
  18. 31. several main roots branch off
  19. 32. transports water up from the roots
  1. 1. seed with 2 food storage areas
  2. 3. baby plant
  3. 5. protects the seed
  4. 6. when activity of a seed or plants stops
  5. 7. stalk that holds the anther
  6. 9. release of water through plant leaves
  7. 10. all female parts of a flower
  8. 14. plants no true roots, stems, and leaves
  9. 15. release of energy from food
  10. 19. seed with 1 food storage area
  11. 20. seeds leaves that store food
  12. 23. stalk down which pollen tube grows
  13. 30. Contains the ovule