
  1. 2. The body of the plant
  2. 4. How flowers reproduce
  3. 5. The female reproductive part of the plant
  4. 6. The outer leaf like parts of the flower
  5. 7. Male plant reproductive cells
  6. 9. The transfer of pollen
  7. 11. When a male plant cell and a female one get fertilized
  8. 13. Something that becomes a seed
  9. 14. Only fruit with seeds on the outside
  10. 15. Brightly colored stucture inside the sepal
  11. 16. What trees make
  12. 17. The female part of the plant
  1. 1. These are used to suck in water
  2. 3. A process that evaporates water from plants
  3. 4. What ferns have instead of seeds
  4. 6. The stalk inside the flower
  5. 8. A green structure grown on a plant
  6. 9. How green plants make food
  7. 10. Were plants make food
  8. 12. Were pollen is held