Plate Boundaries

  1. 3. a change to the structure of the Earth by tectonic activities
  2. 7. two plates coming together
  3. 8. study of the movement of large masses of rock, known as plates, on the Earth’s surface; includes folds, faults, and plate movement
  4. 10. theory that describes plate movement and how it affects Earth’s geologic features
  5. 13. a region where two lithospheric plates meet
  6. 14. distinct sections of the lithosphere which make up the outermost layer of the Earth
  7. 15. undersea mountain range formed where two parts of the Earth’s crust are moving apart
  1. 1. two plates moving apart
  2. 2. scientist who proposed the Theory of Plate Tectonics
  3. 4. large bowl shaped depression that holds ocean water; regions of crust below sea level
  4. 5. an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by groups of detached researchers; can be used to explain and predict natural phenomena
  5. 6. thinner part of Earth’s crust that lies underneath the ocean basins
  6. 9. process where one plate slides under another
  7. 10. two plates sliding past each other in opposite directions
  8. 11. thicker part of Earth’s crust that forms the large land masses
  9. 12. formation of new oceanic crust due to the upwelling of magma at mid-ocean ridges